SEED: The Untold Story

I am not a gardener, but I've planted one or two seeds in my life, and I can understand those people, in SEED: The Untold Story, who have tried to save seeds, to hunt for seeds, to promote seeds, to do whatever they can to ensure the survival of seeds that still around.

Seeds, not even need to talk about seeds, many people living in our modern worlds can't even name a second variety of a fruit or a vegetable.  For example, can you name another variety of banana other than the one you buy in supermarket?  Or can you tell the variety you buy in supermarket?  If your answer is no, I recommend that you see The Fruit Hunter.

A big portion of this documentary is talking about the companies like Monsanto, their chemicals and seeds, the genetically modified seeds, and their dirty move in India.

To be frank, I have no issues with scientists, corporations, or governments that study and research genetics of plants.  But when they are to patent it, sell it for consumption, and sue farmers, that cross many lines in my mind.

I can't understand how a seed can be patented, especially they could end up contaminating other non-GMO seeds.  There is no way to 100% to prevent, when it's an open field.

Is GMO safe?  There were a couple of papers' title pages shown in the film, but as I have no knowledges biology, let alone genetics, I can't say it's or not.  But if I am not sure, just stay with non-GMO.

The thing is, this is not the first time, when money-driven companies did to our society, remember DDT?  Also drugs, once prescribed by doctors, years, decades later, are proved harmful.

And have anyone took any actual responsibilities for damages and lost lives?

Gene has been in the making and evolving for 4 billions of years, give or takes hundreds of millions years; genetics, little over 150 years; GMO are about four decades, Monsanto since 1983.  Let's say half of a century, round it up to 50 years, that's 50 to 4 billions and you want to claim it's safe or not?

Don't get me wrong, I think researches that is a must, that's how we progress scientifically, but 50 years is hardly a step, not even a twitch of muscle.

The worse of the company is they are trying to lobby, just like in Food Inc. and That Sugar Film, a company for profit, they are willing to go a great length for plus percentage in annual financial reports.  Company is a legal entity, they don't require to have a soul and people who run it or are employed could just leave theirs at home.

Fortunately, there are people trying to fight the situation, and more people trying to get back in touch of dirty soil, growing some tomatoes in backyard or just in pots on balcony.

There is still hope for that six percent of seed varieties.
