
The most notorious pests I would say, here is a list of plants that have fallen.

Taiwanese Sweet Basil (outdoor)

The cultivar we bought in market is unknown to me, it's in Asian, but not Thai basil.  We call it 九層塔 in Chinese, but 白骨九層塔 seems to be a longer name.  It has flat leaves, fairly small compared to Sweet Basil, the whole plant is green.

I tried to search for some images and found this name and variety called  Green Joy.  I also have Sweet Basil, but they've not been attacked.

Cilantro (outdoor in April/May onwards)

Black aphids on leaves and flowering stalk and the fruits, sucking the berries and causing teeny seeds, which probably not viable.

Squashes (outdoor in July)

In July, 2016, I was looking through some plants, and found the horror below, the underside of squash leaves were covered in white and orange little things, the goddamn aphids, and a few mealybugs.

Aphids on squash leaves in July, 2016
